These researchers are unlocking Renaissance beauty secrets

Art historian Erin Griffey is a bit of a beauty maven. “I’m one of those people who reads the backs of beauty products,” she says. That’s why, while working on a book about beauty culture in Renaissance Europe, Griffey experienced déjà vu. She noticed that many ingredients in beauty recipes from the 16th to 18th […]

50 years ago, scientists hoped freezing donor organs would boost transplants

If whole organs could be frozen and stored … surgeons would be able to perform far more transplants…. For all their efforts, though, cryobiologists (biologists who study the effects of cold on life) have not been very successful with organ freezing…. Nobody to date has cooled whole mammalian hearts any lower [than −20° Celsius] or […]

COVID-19 infections can rebound for some people. It’s unclear why

For some people, including President Joe Biden and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci, the relief of vanishing COVID-19 symptoms and a negative test is fleeting. Biden, Fauci and many others have seen their tests turn positive again or have unwelcome symptoms return after taking a five-day course of the antiviral […]